Fencing & Cladding

We manufacture and install a variety of styles of fencing. Ideal for boundary fences, effective screening, or a division fence and can be used to raise existing walls or cover unsightly ones.

Fencing Information

The price for fencing is quoted per running meter and varies dependent on the style of fence, height and terrain difficulties.

Various options of fencing include:

Tired of those peeping toms and require increased privacy? We have done a lot of work on raising or cladding existing boundary walls and houses, which is a cost-effective way of improving privacy, aesthetics and security.

(Form to submit an enquiry is at the bottom of this page)

(Click on the images below to zoom)

Picket Fencing

Picket fencing 1

Picket fencing 2

Picket fencing 3

Picket fencing 4

Picket fencing 5

Picket fencing 6

Slatted Fencing

Vertical Slatted Fence – with gaps and no capping

Slatted fencing 11

Slatted fencing 12

Slatted fencing 13

Slatted fencing 14

Slatted fencing 15

Vertical Slatted Fence – with no gaps or capping

Slatted fencing 16

Slatted fencing 17

Slatted fencing 18

Vertical Slatted Fence – with no gaps but with capping

Slatted fencing 19

Slatted fencing 20

Slatted fencing 21

Slatted fencing 22

Slatted fencing 23

Slatted fencing 24

Horizontal Slatted Fence – with gaps

Slatted fencing 25

Slatted fencing 26

Slatted fencing 27

Horizontal Slatted Fence – no gaps

Slatted fencing 28

Slatted fencing 29

Ranch Styled Fencing

Ranch fencing 30

Ranch fencing 31

Ranch fencing 32

Ranch fencing 33

Woven Fencing

Woven fencing 34

Woven fencing 35

Woven fencing 36

Woven fencing 37

Woven fencing 56

Woven fencing 57

Woven fencing 58

Palisade Fencing

Palisade fencing 38


Palisade fencing 39


Palisade fencing 40

Palisade fencing 41

Raising Walls

Raising walls 42

Raising walls 43

Raising walls 44

Raising walls 45

Raising walls 46

Raising walls 47

Raising walls 48

Raising walls 49

Clad Walls

Clad wall 50

Clad wall 51

woven fence hiding vibracrete

Clad wall 52

adding interest to an entrance

Clad wall 53

adding warmth by covering a plain wall

Clad wall 54

hiding the pipes of an outdoor shower

Clad wall 55

enclosing deck with cladding

Timber Information

All ground contact poles (pine and gum) are SABS H4 treated against rot and insect predation. All cross braces and stringers (pine) are treated structural timber. We recommend that all timber be coated using a WaxOil preservative which we have used for over 20 years, with huge success. This preservative has proven to be cost-efficient and an effective treatment against the elements, especially in coastal areas. Fences installed 20 years ago are still standing and strong. An annual waxoil coating ensures optimal life of up to 20 years.
